Serif or sans serif fonts? What’s more readable?


Readability is an important web design consideration for your website. If the fonts on your website are difficult to read, users will not bother. Instead, they will turn to your competitors for information, products and services. Therefore, you need to make it a priority to ensure that the fonts on your website are readable.

As you’re considering which fonts to use on your website, you might be wondering how serif and sans serif fonts compare in terms of readability. Both types of fonts are readable. However, serif fonts are more readable in print form, while sans serif fonts are more readable online.
Since sans serif fonts are  more readable online, you need to consider using them for your website content. Obviously, there is no hard and fast rule. In some cases, your web design may benefit from using serif fonts for headings and other embellished design elements. However, try to stick to sans serif fonts for your main blocks of text.

As users increasingly rely on mobile devices for web browsing, readability is growing in importance. Small screens necessitate the use of readable fonts. This means you’ll need to evaluate your website for readability on computers as well as mobile devices. Work with your web design professional to ensure that your choice of fonts is readable across browsing platforms.

If you are using a print stylesheet for your website, you may want to consider using a readable serif fonts for the printer-friendly version. Serif fonts are easier to read in print and can enhance the readability of the resources you make available for users in print form. If you’re not sure where to start, look at Google Fonts. Google offers a wide range of fonts that you can preview and assess for readability on your website and in print.

In addition to looking at your font choices, you’ll want to take other measures to improve the readability of your website. Many websites are too busy. This makes the text content difficult to read. Get rid of the clutter on your website and provide ample white space in your overall web design. Break up large blocks of text into smaller paragraphs. Use headers and when possible use lists and bullet points. Many web users scan pages for content. Make your content easy to scan and digest.

What other ways can you make a website design more readable?